Monday, March 8, 2010

A Match Made in Heaven...

We've always been in love with Birdies. They have a seemingly-endless parade of bras, panties, and other underpinnings that make you swoon, gasp, and squeal with delight. Not only that, but the two ladies who own the shop are the sweetest peas you'll ever encounter, and you'll soon find yourself giggling together as if you've been friends all your life.

So when we heard they were one of the sponsors for our upcoming event, LA FEMME, we couldn't have been more ecstatic! Hemline's high-fashion and Birdies' soft sensuality... with our power's combined... just kidding. There will be no Captain Planet references in this space. But seriously, we couldn't have imagined a better boutique to contribute all the sexy little things to be featured alongside our clothing.

If you haven't been to Birdies, you really really should stop by. It's not often we'd tell you to shop somewhere else, but we must make an exception! Visit their website to learn more, get directions and hours, or begin the romance we promise is going to last a lifetime.

And just in case there's any doubt about you jumping over there, here's a little teaser stripped right from their website:

Our store is a little over 100 square feet with a comfortable dressing room in back. Our garments are displayed in vintage Bitterman's candy cases and we hang individual pieces on our walls. We are a great place to treat yourself, a friend, a daughter or sister, a bride-to-be, your partner, a nursing mother, your mother, you name it! We work hard to have something for everyone. 

Our store is very guy-friendly so don't be afraid to stop by if you are one. Go ahead and send your boyfriend or husband our way for birthdays, Valentine's Day (our birthday!), and anniversaries. We are patient and  helpful to all of our customers. Thank you for supporting our small, local, and independent business!

1 comment:

  1. I love Birdies too! I actually have some man-undies from them. Great selection, great people!
