Thursday, August 12, 2010

This Just In: Chinese Laundry

Well, obviously us ladies here at Hemline LOVE us some shoes. It seems the easiest item to gush and gush over. In fact, just the other day, our boyfriend was asking us just why we found shoes so enthralling (as if it wasn't obvious enough). And the simple answer is this: you can wear shoes forever. It doesn't matter if you gain 40 pounds or lose 25. Your shoes still fit. AND, if you're careful about your shoe collection, as all of us here at Hemline are, your shoes will never go out of style.

Which, is why we're so excited to present to you the Chinese Laundry Wicked Bootie! Perfect for fall and winter, this bootie is going to look extra cute with tights and socks paired with a short little skirt. Oh- la- la!


  1. I know someone at Hemline that loves shoes a little TOO much.

  2. We don't see a problem with that! She sounds fabulous!

  3. i know someone in Los Angeles that love them that bootie too.
